Actility, a leading provider of network solutions and managed information systems for the Internet of Things (IoT) market, has secured € 22.5 million from Foxconn, KPN, Orange and Swisscom, along with the historical investors Fonds Ecotechnologies managed by Bpifrance Investissement, Idinvest Partners, and Truffle Capital.


Attorney for the company: Pinot de Villechenon & Associés (Morgan Hunault-Berret, Alice Laroque, Amélie Pinot de Villechenon)

Attorney for the investors: Dechert (Anne-Charlotte Rivière, Laurent Kocimski, Hélène Parent), Gide (Pierre Karpik, Ana de Matos-Canelas)


La Lettre Capital Finance, June 16th, 2015