As part of a sponsorless deal including mezzanine and unitranche financing, Axelliance welcomes as new investors Actomezz, Idinvest Partners and Swen Capital, allowing the exit of CM-CIC Capital Finance, historical investor since its creation in 2004, for an undisclosed amount.



This refinancing enables Axelliance to purchase Axiome and Squadra, thus creating the 10th French insurance broker.



Mezzanine investors’ attorney: Pinot de Villechenon & Associés (Gilles Roux, Tristan Segonds)
Sellers’ attorney: Dentons (Emmanuel Scialom, Julie Evangelisti)

Purchaser’s attorneys: Arsène Taxand (Franck Chaminade, Charles Dalarun), Curtis Mallet Prevost & Mosle (Grégoire Andrieux, Félix Huon, Pierre-Arnoux Mayoly)



La Lettre Capital Finance, March 25th, 2015